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April Club Meeting

  • 19 Apr 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • 6450 Pine St. Omaha, Ne and Virtual


  • Lunch Member
  • Student Attendance with Lunch

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Omaha Traffic Signal Systems

April 19, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Lunch will be served at 11:45am

Presentation will begin at noon

This meeting will be In-Person with a Virtual Option

This meeting will be held at the Scott Conference Center (6450 Pine Street in Aksarben).  Free Parking in Lot 9 across street (Figure included below). Please submit any unique diet requests a week in advance.

A virtual Zoom Option will also be available.  Virtual meeting log-in information will be sent approximately 2 hours prior to the start of the meeting:

Presentation Details :

Flash-forward to 2025 Omaha: 1,000+ modern traffic signals are hard-at-work in coordination with the first autonomous vehicles in Nebraska. Commuters experience shorter drive times with the assistance of their vehicle’s real time traveler information system. The City of Omaha is recognized as a national leader in transportation technology thanks to strategic infrastructure upgrades funded by federal grants obtained years earlier. How did it happen?

Flash-back to 2016 when the City of Omaha’s leadership decided to invest in modern traffic signal and communication infrastructure improvements. A group of highly qualified engineers worked as a team to study, design, construct, and implement improvements across Omaha.

This presentation will discuss the role of on-call design and operations support for the multi-year citywide signal system upgrade. We will focus on efforts to deliver:

ü  Design modifications to 112 intersections, including traffic signal and fiber optic upgrades, and implementation of Adaptive Signal Control Technology constructed along two congested corridors.

ü  Updated traffic signal timing at 66 intersections along West Center Road, including safety recommendations, public outreach materials and Omaha’s first twice-per-cycle left-turn phase.

State-of-the-art technology was integrated with the City’s 1970’s era legacy signal system, and these continue to work in tandem as the project progresses. On the West Center Road corridor, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig (FHU) programmed a combination of new and legacy signal control systems to work together to move traffic safely and efficiently. It required careful coordination by FHU’s engineers to implement the traffic signal timing improvements correctly.

Designed for the future, these signal system improvements are already having measurable impact on Omaha’s drivers today. Project achievements include reducing crashes, travel delays, fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions while improving quality of life and the City’s financial health. All signals are GO for Omaha’s Vehicle to Everything infrastructure to be future-ready as new driving technology is developed and implemented in the Omaha metro area.


David Andersen, PE, PTOE, IMSA TS III – Felsburg Holt & Ullevig

Mark Meisinger, PE, PTOE – Felsburg Holt & Ullevig